The plumber

OK, I am making progress. The plumber came out yesterday to look at what needed to be connected and straightned up underneath the trailer. He was rather amusing, I found out it was going to be a easy fix, or so he said. I need a set of "steer horns", not the real thing’s. These come of the end of the pipe from under the trailer, so that a snake can be run up thru the trailer or into the septic tank, in case it backs up. It is going to be new, it had better not back up. He also looked at the heater, it was missing pieces and parts, what did I expect, this trailer came out of Ghetto lake and was tore up from one end to the other, anyways. He has one to replace it with and will do that at the same time. Then he offers me a job, fixing his books, as computers just make him "Foggy Headed". I promptly said " No thank’s, talk to the aunt" Too tired, too much to do, etc.. Extra money would be nice, but I am at my breaking point. In everything. The next couple of weeks are going to kill me. So close, but yet so far.. I never really appreciated that saying, nor could relate to it, now I am living it. "R" and I got into it again. He is the one going out, has his cell phone ringing at 10 pm at night, lieing to me that it is his daughter, not answering his phone. But I am the one out screwing around?! Kinda hard to do with 2-3 kids with me after 6 pm, M-F and every weekend. At times I would like to go out for a drink with a friend, not happening as "D" has 4 kids as well. Sorry for bitchin’, I know when the trailer is down it will be over between us, and at this point I am ready to end it. I am so tired of being tired, the fighting, just everything in general. It would be so easy to replace him, life would be better. At least normal. You know going to dinner, out in public, not just crawling into bed when he decides to go home and doing the deed and going to sleep,leaving for work at 7 am. Yes that is the way my life has been the last 5 months. Told you my head was up my ass. Anyway’s back to the plumber, he was kinda cute, flirting with me. Making us dinner when I go with the aunt to set up his book’s. No, I am not doing them, just going to help her set them up. She looked at me and laughed when he left, wanted to know why grown men turn into BIG ASS flirts when I am around. I just glared at her. Maybe I am just starting to pay attention to what is going on around me, but I have never had this many man promblems before. I can handle a little flirting, but here lately I have had to get down right rude and tell 2 guy’s to back off. I do not want you touching me, playing with my hair, or telling me you love me. Get a damn grip. Have a good one
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